Brown Banded
About Brown Banded Roaches
Brown Banded Roaches get their name from the two light bands that cross their darker brown bodies. The females wings only cover 3/4 of their body while the males wings extend beyond the end of their abdomen.
Pest Description:
- Color: Light brown to brown
- Legs: 6
- Shape: Oval
- Size: 1/2"
- Antennae: Yes
- Region: Throughout the United States
- Habits: Brown-banded roaches prefer warmer and drier environments than German roaches.
- Habitat: Brown-banded roaches can be found throughout structures, preferring hiding places which are up off the floor, such as Crown molding, behind wall hangings, in furniture, appliances, computers and furniture.
- Threats: People with allergies are at risk since medical studies have recently shown that cockroach allergens cause allergies and can bring on asthma attacks, particularly in young children.