a close up of a bug

Brown Recluse Spiders

About Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown Recluse Spiders best identifying characteristic is the violin-shaped dark mark that begins just behind the eyes; thus, they are called "fiddle backs" or "violin spiders." These small spiders inflict a painful bite that can develop into an ugly, slow-healing ulcer. Fortunately, these spiders seldom bite unless handled or disturbed in their nests.

Pest Description:

  • Color: Light brown or flesh-colored to dark brown
  • Legs: 8
  • Shape: Segmented and oval
  • Size: 1\4 - 1/2"
  • Antennae: None
  • Region: Throughout the southeastern United States and California.
  • Habits: Brown recluse spiders build nondescript, irregular webs used almost exclusively as a retreat.
  • Habitat: Nests are typically built in hidden, secluded locations such as in seldom used clothing, old shoes, newspaper, and attics. Outdoors, this spider is often found beneath rocks, in barns and, sheds.
  • Threats: Brown recluse spiders inflict a painful bite that can develop into an ugly, slow-healing ulcer. Fortunately, these spiders seldom bite unless handled or disturbed in their nests. Always inspect clothing that is seldom used before wearing to prevent the potential of being bitten.