a person holding a glass

Common House Spider

About Common House Spiders

Common House Spiders is the most frequently encountered spider within homes. These spiders become a nuisance because they build so many webs throughout structures.

Pest Description:

  • Color: Yellowish-brown with a dirty-white abdomen with many stripes
  • Legs: 8
  • Shape: Elongated abdomen
  • Size: 1/8 - 1/16"
  • Antennae: None
  • Region: Throughout the U.S.
  • Habits: House spiders randomly select web sites, and when the web fails in capturing prey, they abandon it and build another in a different location. The female produces up to 17 brownish silken sacs in her lifetime each of which contains approximately two hundred and fifty eggs.
  • Habitat: Areas of higher humidity are preferred for web construction, upper areas of garages, ceiling/wall junctures, around windows, and door frames, basements, garages and crawlspaces. Outdoors, webs are built around windows and doors, near lights and under eaves. These spiders will eat a wide variety of insects especially small flies.
  • Threats: House spiders do not pose any threat to humans.