a red bug on a wood surface

Lyctid Beetles

About Lyctid Beetles

Lyctid Beetles are the smallest of the structural infesting beetles and are found in hardwoods.

Pest Description:

  • Color: Brown
  • Legs: 6
  • Shape: Elongated, slightly flattened
  • Size: Adults are 1/4" long
  • Antennae: Yes
  • Region: Throughout the U.S.
  • Habits: Lyctid beetles rarely infest wood older than five years. Therefore, infestations are usually in new homes or newly manufactured articles. Infestation usually results from wood that contained eggs or larvae at the time of purchase. Typically, the item was made from wood that was improperly dried or stored.
  • Habitat: Lyctid beetles infest the sapwoods of hardwoods—mainly ash, hickory, oak, maple, and mahogany. Consequently, most infestations are found in wood paneling, molding, window and door frames, hardwood floors, and furniture. Imported tropical hardwoods are especially infested with Lyctids because of poor storage and drying practices prior to shipment to the United States.
  • Threats: Damage to infected wood can be substantial.